Meth Addiction Treatment in Phoenix AZ (877) 804-1531

Millions of people in the United States have been affected by the growing problem of meth addiction. Meth addiction treatment in Phoenix AZ provides individuals with medical detox services, inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation, relapse prevention and sober living facilities. For those suffering with a dependence to meth, meth addiction treatment is a safe and effective way to ensure you have the comprehensive care needed for a full recovery. Addiction is a disease and when dealing with a substance such as meth, there are dangerous symptoms of withdrawal to consider.

You can count on addiction professionals to provide you with support throughout your journey and tailored treatments that meet your addiction recovery needs. Meth addiction treatment should address all the important stages of recovery and the patient's unique path that led them to begin using drugs. Methamphetamine is a powerful stimulant that creates feelings of pleasure in users; the drug is usually known as meth or crystal meth. When a meth high wears off, the pleasurable feelings cease and are replaced by the opposite effect: a rush of negative feelings that lead users to crave another dose of the drug. This cycle of highs and lows makes it easy for a meth addiction to develop.

The Facts about Meth Addiction in Phoenix AZ

The first time a person uses meth, the high is particularly intense. Users will continue taking the drug in an attempt to achieve the effects of that initial rush, and it doesn't take long for them to develop a meth addiction. However, no experience ever compares to the pleasure of their first dose. The brain adapts quickly to the effects of meth, and users require more and more of the drug to duplicate their initial high. This increased tolerance creates a pattern of addictive behavior, and it also increases the risk of overdose.

Effects of Meth on the Brain and Body

Over time, the effects of crystal meth can ravage a user's body. Methamphetamine increases the amount of dopamine in the body. This brain chemical is normally produced in response to pleasure. Meth use results in unnaturally high levels of dopamine; with continued abuse, the brain stops being able to produce dopamine without the assistance of the drug. Not only does ongoing meth use damage the brain, but it also causes constriction of a user's blood vessels. The tissues near these blood vessels tend to dry out, and skin problems are a common result. Many long-term meth users suffer from oozing, festering sores, and some experience severe acne. Meth addicts often report having the sensation of insects crawling on their skin; they compulsively pick and scratch at their skin in an attempt to quell the feeling. Meth's impact on blood vessels also causes an addict's gum's to recede, and the drug's acidic nature wears away the enamel of a user's teeth. This uncomfortable combination of oral problems is often referred to as "meth mouth". Once this level of damage occurs, there's no way to repair the ruined teeth: The only solution is to extract the teeth.

Withdrawal and Recovery

It's not easy to go through methamphetamine withdrawal: Drug cravings, depression and even suicidal behavior are common symptoms. Long-term recovery from meth addiction is possible, but it's a slow process, and a study described in Psych Central reveals that the brain can take up to a year to recover from the ravaging effects of meth. Addiction is a chronic disease, and recovering meth addicts face a particularly high risk of relapse. Data from the Foundation for a Drug-free World indicates that over 90 percent of individuals who overcome an addiction to meth will eventually suffer a relapse.

Phoenix Drug Rehab Treatment Options

The odds against a sustained recovery might be daunting, but it's possible to overcome a methamphetamine addiction with the correct treatment. The cornerstone of most treatment programs is cognitive-behavioral therapy: This type of therapy is based on the notion that helping a patient change their thought patterns can also help them change their behavior. Another effective tool in the treatment of stimulant abuse is a framework called the Matrix Model. This 16-week therapeutic program focuses on relapse prevention and stresses the value of social support. After an individual leaves the rehab center, aftercare services can provide the support and motivation needed to stay on track. Recovering individuals who participate in aftercare services such as support groups and therapy sessions are less likely to experience a relapse and are better equipped to handle the challenges of recovery.


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